What Goes Up Must Come Down...

What Goes Up Must Come Down...

So, you’re probably wondering why we haven’t posted in a little while. Yes, we’ve been working hard, and yes, we’ve been really busy. But the real reason we haven’t posted in a while is because our building permit was DENIED! That’s right, we got the big, fat rejection stamp. The “thanks, but no thanks,” otherwise known as “sorry, this doesn’t meet code.”

In an ideal world, this post would’ve laid out all of our designs for our AirBnb, including floor plans and CAD drawings. But unfortunately, that’s just not how this cookie is going to crumble. So we’ve shelved the design for our AirBnb and are moving onto the main house. Our property’s zoning is changing, somewhat, so we are hoping that if we wait until the fall we can resubmit, rather than compromise. In the meantime, we’re resubmitting a new proposal for the main house, and we’ll see how that goes. Keep your fingers crossed!

A Skeleton House

A Skeleton House